Jul 9, 2013

translation, let's not get lost in it

Google Chrome translate feature 

I totally have to praise Google Chrome and the huge progress they brought in overpassing language barriers.

I can't really imagine how things were done prior to this translation feature embedded in Chrome browser; much more expensively, I imagine.

On my side, I like to investigate on my own before committing resources to ordering a study. I couldn't really justify paying study after study just to tell my stakeholders: look, it's not worth pursuing this or that market. I could argue the savings done by not going into the wrong directions, but I actually prefer to pay for documented opinion to confirm my hunch that there's potential in a certain market.

Certainly, these hunches arise from my free online research, from my reading of several local business newspapers and following what the country's professional associations have to say.
I wouldn't be able to read, let's say, the Czech Zive computer publication or the Austrian Computerwelt without this translation feature.

What makes it even more comfortable is for my multi-country scattered interest is the language detection.

Having worked for this Worldwide directory of companies, I remember about the translation nightmare we were facing when adding new companies into our database, and having to offer translation solutions for their target markets' languages. I definitely wasn't hoping, at the time, that the solution was so close to being released.

Așa încât îmi voi scrie finalul textului în Română, știind că acest lucru nu mai este o problemă pentru cititorii mei internaționali.

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