about me

I started IntlMkt- the international marketing blog in July 2012 with several goals in mind: to learn more, to share my experience, to keep up with what's new and to get better at pushing B2B products and services on international markets. Or the other way around: to get better at helping foreign companies access the Romanian market.

Because I've been on both ends of an international business: I worked in franchisee and subsidiaries of  B2B services company, and I currently work in the headquarters of a major software provider in Central Eastern Europe, with multicountry operations.

The above-mentioned experience consists of 10+ years of working in B2B operational and strategic marketing roles, doing market research, product development, competition monitoring, pre-sales support and content generation.

I received my BSc in Journalism & Communication in 2004 from the University of Bucharest, Romania. After that, I completed the Stage One of the MBA program from the Open University Business School in UK.

Follow me on twitter @roxana_escu or connect on LinkedIn.